Drone Arena
Drone Arena was a tech demo put together to familiarise myself with UE4 back when I was a student. The demo is vehicle based arena shooter with simple wave mechanics.
Motion Mechanics
Momentum based movement
Turn rate limits
Automated hovering ( Z axis distance )
Automated surface alignment
Combat Mechanics
Crosshair deprojection and raycasting to calculate turret aimpoint
Turrets auto gimbal to face aim-point
Raycast based primary and secondary fire
Rate of fire
Ammo capacity and reloading
Weapon range
Homing missiles with in in-flight target acquisition and reaquisition
Component based health system
Health interface to apply unified system to drones, turrets, and training targets
Camera Mechanics
Camera decoupled from drone motion
Camera leads, them drone turns to face look-direction
Camera boom / spring arm component use to simplify collision / occlusion issues
Game Mode Mechanics
Pre, mid, and post-game states
Endless spawning of training targets with tower defence style wave system
Controls panel
Drone component health UI
Drone weapons info UI
General Architecture Notes
Build a series of input structs to track input data to allow for tapping, holding, double tapping, dead-zones, sensitivity, clamping, ect.
Source Code Samples
Interface for implementing a unified health system to drones, turrets, and targets.
Component that receives and applies motion input whilst managing drone orientation.