Germ Defence
Germ Defence is a mobile tower defence game built in Unity 5 for an experiential module in University. All gameplay was put together by myself and one other student, Krystian Slawinski. I designed and planned the project, he prototyped the mechanics, then we pair programmed the gameplay code together. Listed below are the sections on which I lead the development.
Tower Mechanics
Tower build, upgrade and refund system
Red / Black tower AI
Tower damage systems
Game Mode Logic
Pre and post-game states / screens
The wave system
Allows for designers to set up levels using sliders​
Supports 5 enemy types
Supports unlimited waves
Integration into the game state manager
Player health systems and failure conditions
Enemy gold value formula
General economy integration
UI Mechanics
Slash screens with web links
Learn to play cards
Info cards
Expandable gameplay menu
Front end menu
All 2D art including:
UI Icons
Tower type efficacy balancing
Economy balencing
I'm afraid I can't make source code for this project public until I graduate in June 2017 but I can send it upon request.